Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I graduate on the 20th+21st. 
I'm moving back home by the end of June (but I"ll have access to both parents' cars...)

I have two more weeks of actual classes, and I'm done with everything after about 3. The rest of the time is just BS

LSATs on June 8th.

I turn 22 on May 27th.

I know I need to save money but I can't stop thinking about my next tattoo or all the pretty things on my amazon wishlist that I want.

Also, I'm in class right now - I keep looking up at the Prof every so often and pretend to be paying attention. I'm awesome. 

June 14th is too far away. =]

This summer is going to be trying to find a job + driving to see friends + playing video games ALL THE TIME + reading every book I've meant to and haven't been able because I'm an English major

Lollapalooza! Such a good lineup this year. I can't wait. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Grr. Argh.

I just came back from a super rushed shopping trip (rushed because I was borrowing a car and Ang needed it within the hour) to buy some dress pants because, as I just found out today, there's a career fair tomorrow.
My resume, also, isn't done. YAY. I got some decent things, I think, and will be working on a killer resume (or at least throw something together...)

Point is, I have large and lofty goals for awesome things to do this year. Maybe you guys should help me accomplish these goals....:
(In no particular order):
-Go skydiving. Seriously, I'll be so fucking terrified but it's something I've always wanted to do.
-Get my motorcycle license. I think I'm actually going to do it this spring/summer once I find out where I can take a course, but yeah.
-Go paintballing. Ever since I saw 10 Things I Hate About You with their paintballing (yeah, it's a little different), I've always wanted to go. I still wont' have aim and I'll fail, but dammit, I wanna go.
-Also, go to a shooting range. For reals.
-Go play WhirlyBall. You haven't heard of it? Look it up. It's amazing. I went after my senior prom and rocked it in a hot pink prom dress and heels (no one told me to bring a change of clothes....)
-Go snowboarding. I can't do it and I don't know where or how, but it's another thing that I wanna learn. And I'm so not afraid of the bruises.
-Go on a legitimate road trip somewhere, via car with some friends. Never did it and so want to
-Also I've never gone camping. Let's do it.

And more will be added. So seriously, let's go and do this stuff. I think it'd be fucking awesome.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm trying to read Spenser, I really, really am, but I got caught up in reading the new Questionable Content, which led to me debating what to do with my hair....
All while listening to Miley Cyrus.

I win at being productive....

The Future Freaks Me Out

For reals.

Can I just go back to High School? Or even go back a few years in college, back to when I didn't have to have a career path in mind?
My roommates are, thankfully (or not?), in the same Failboat I am, and we're all kinda freaking out. My lifeplan of just being a hobo and pimping the hell out of a really nice box (or just living in my parents' basement) is sounding more and more appealing. Career? Job? I'm the type of person who needs to sleep 60% of the day or else I'm super cranky and tired. I'm always taking naps, and then staying awake until all hours. I'm the first to be the bad influence on going out to bars, and drinking even more when I get home despite the fact that I have a 9:30 class the next morning (which I made it to just fine, thank you very much).

I need to start thinking seriously about life. And school and the 'real world'


So, thanks to Comcast being complete douches (I'm sorry, but a promotional period does not last 2 and a half years, which is how long Ang and I have been customers.... so for our cable rates to triple randomly is so not alright.) We cancelled yesterday in the evening and we're getting AT&T Thursday, but for some reason our internet is still working.... Hmm. I guess it's good that Comcast is incompetant...
I don't care what we get seeing as how I'm only living here for another 6 months, and my only requirement is that I get The-N, because if I can't have my daily late-night Degrassi episodes, I just don't know what I'll do.

I'm hanging out with my cousin and his lovely lady and his brand new puppy on Saturday. =] I made fun of him for going to Texas over the holidays and not going to the Alamo Bowl, but he responded saying that he did, and drank a lot of beers, then sending me a photo with an NU pompom on his head as evidence.
I love being Polish.

Random Goals-ish for the New Year (in no real order):
-Be healthier. I have a lot of plans for after graduation, including more tattoos and plenty of beach time, and I want to be able to feel super confident. =]
-Spend a lot more time on studies. No more skipping out on assignments (I'd say no more late-night paper writing, but those always earn me the best grades, even if I nearly kill myself while writing them....), and I want to get no lower than a B. I have only 3 classes this quarter, I think I can do it.
-Pay off my credit card. For serious. I just shop when I get bored and eBay and Amazon are way too easy to access....
-Start doing things for me, more. I want to be a lot more social this quarter, and go out and DO THINGS as opposed to staying in so much. The roomies and I are planning on going out way more often, and I want to finally make those trips to all those colleges that I've planned to visit for the past few years. I also want to play all these games I have, more-so just be on Xbox Live way more often. I pay for the damned thing, why not use it?
-Besides having way more fun, rethink a lot of things in terms of life. I haven't been taking a lot of things seriously, but graduation is just around the corner. What the fuck am I going to do? Besides be a hobo with Ang and get a dope box to live in. Or just travel a lot with her. I don't know.

Basically, I'm feeling really confused and stressed and suddenly very, VERY aware of the future. Yay!

Also, i should be using the internet, while I still have it, to complete an assignment online, but of course I'm just updating this thing because, for some reason, typing just makes me feel better.

I'm hungover and I have to write about Spenser. I think I need to be mroe under the influence to understand him, but seeing as how I'm going to a class at 3:30, I don't think my profs would appreciate me stumbling in drunk on the first day, especially to a class I'm trying to get into...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

General announcement + help...

I'm on twitter. Sigh. juliawiatr - add me or whatever.

Also - for some reason, my Windows firewall dealie, Windows Defender, just can't update. I keep trying to make it do so and it won't. Also, I have AVG Free Virus software downloaded, and that can't connect to the internet for some reason to update, no matter what I do.
I tried connecting via ethernet as opposed to wireless. No luck.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling AVG - no luck.

I'm at a loss. =/ Any more tech savvy people know what to do??

Amanda Palmer

... was amazing. I'm so glad I got to see her solo show.

Also, Neil Gaiman was a surprise guest and introduced Amanda Palmer on stage. Apparantly they're good buds or something.

Also, I got to be up in the VIP section because Julz has connections. And I got to rock out to Amanda up on the balcony with Neil.

So I bought two of his books today. Gotta love discounts because of GameStop + Employee Appreciation week.

I'm home this weekend to work on a ten page research paper due Monday by 5 and to study for an English paper that's Monday at 7pm.

All I really want to do is go back to Evanston and play Left4Dead or WoW...
So close to having this quarter be done....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Reading Weeeek

I love being home. My mommy is just about the best person in the whole world.
And she makes everything a million times better.

I was up until 7:47am this (monday) morning working on my minimum of 2500 word Spanish essay, though it could be written in English, which was a research paper on the Mozarabic Rites and their connection to Catholicism.

Awesome. But it got done, and I turned it in and took an awesome nap at home and feel loads better.

Being home feels nice. =]

My little apartment feels extra-holiday-y because Sam's awesome. She texted me and Ang about there being a surprise waiting at home, and there was a little table-top Christmas tree all lit up. =] I love it.

I should be starting my other 10 page research paper which is due Monday by 5pm, but of course I'm online. At least I don't have WoW on this computer or any productivity I would have planned on would just not exist.

I really wanna have a little holiday party, complete with sitting around drinking hot cocoa and maybe going sledding and being all festive and stuff. Hmm....